

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Poinsettia Production Update - Pinching Points!

Yesterday, 15-Aug-2011, we pinched the single plant pot, the double plant pots and some of the three plants per pot.  Our goal is pinch to 5-7 branches.

Branches are determined by the number of nodes. A node is the place where a leaf has developed off the main stem.  Having more than 7 branches or flowers on one plant can be undesirable.  The higher number of branches, the weaker the branches become.  The plant distributes its energy equally between the branches.

Conversely, if there are only 3 or 4 branches, the resulting flowers will be larger than a plant with 5-7 or more. Here are a few pictures of the poinsettias as they appeared this afternoon.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Ball Field Trip... plants of interest

Here are a few plants that I thought were interesting.







Sweet Potato Vine

Sweet Potato Vine

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Ball Horticulture Field Days Field Trip.

Last Thursday and Friday, I toured the Ball Horticulture Field Trials.  This is always a good trip as you get to see some new varieties and see how some current varieties are performing.  Also, the participants can compare newer varieties against older ones.  Here are a few pictures of the Ball Gardens.  You can see more at my Facebook page.

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Poinsettia Update 03-Aug-2011

I have been a bit lax on posting weekly updates of the 2011 poinsettia crop.  I intend for that trend to change starting today.  We have experienced a lot of heat.  For almost all of July, we had 95 plus degree heat and little rain.  The first week of August is showing 95 plus degree heat. 
The 6 inch plants were transplanted July 21-22. The roots are to the edge of the pot. We will  likely pinch them next week.  Also, that isn't fog in the air.  The greenhouse is hot and humid and my camera was in the cold-dry shop

These are some of the larger novelty colored poinsettias.

Two plants per pot and they are look good.

Larger red combinations of red poinsettias.  They are looking good.